Google Data Portal Makes Data Visualization Easy and Attractive!

This post is also available in: 日本語 目次 1 Introduction1.1 Make the most of marketing tools1.2 Google’s Tools Are Free and High Quality2 What is Google Data Portal?2.1 Originally a service called Google Data Studio3 What You Can Do with Google Data Portal4 Google Data Portal Features4.1 Easy integration with Google services!4.2 Drag and Drop Graphs4.3 Data acquisition in real time4.4 Easy to share with teammates4.5 Free!5 How to register for Google Data Portal5.1 Visit the Google Data Portal6 Using Google Data Portal6.1 1.Working with Data Sources6.2 make a report6.3 Make extensive use of “Insert”6.4 Visualize sales over time6.5 Try different ways of displaying6.6 Share your dashboard7 Google Data Portal Sample Report7.1 Search Report7.2 Google Ad Reports7.3 YouTube channel reports8 And finally, Introduction I think there is a strong need to organize the data that can be obtained from blogs, media, e-commerce, and other web businesses in an easy-to-understand way and make good use of it. This post introduces you to Google Data Portal, a free data visualization tool from Google.     Make the most of marketing tools There are a lot of tools that you can use in the web business marketing. There’s a free plan for that, … Continue reading Google Data Portal Makes Data Visualization Easy and Attractive!