Make your work more efficient! 20 Google Sheets Suggested Add-ons

This post is also available in: 日本語 目次 1 Introduction2 What are Google Sheets?3 How Google Sheets Works3.1 No need for a password3.2 Easy to collaborate3.3 There is an add-on.4 How to use add-ons4.1 Recommended Add-On for Google Sheets5 utilly’s Add-on reccomend5.1 Supermetrics5.2 More Fonts5.3 Google Analytics5.4 Company Name Lookup5.5 QR Code Generator5.6 ProjectSheet project planning5.7 AppSheet5.8 Yet Another Mail Merge5.9 Remove Duplicates5.10 Remove Blank Rows5.11 Lucidchart Diagrams for Sheets5.12 Translate My Sheet5.13 Power Tools5.14 Template Gallery5.15 Sort by Color5.16 Email Range5.17 DigitalStamp4Sheet5.18 Twitter Archiver5.19 Mapping Sheets5.20 Advanced Find and Replace6 And finally,6.1 Google Extensions Introduction Google Sheets is one of the more common ways to work alongside Excel, but it’s actually very deep and extensible. This post focuses on the Google Sheets extensions: add-ons.     What are Google Sheets? Google Sheets is a spreadsheet tool from Google. I think it’s easy to understand if it’s the Google version of Microsoft Excel. The use of Google Sheets for spreadsheets is on the rise.   How Google Sheets Works Google Sheets has a lot of benefits that make your job more efficient. No need for a password Google Sheets allows you to restrict your sharing to a Google account base. … Continue reading Make your work more efficient! 20 Google Sheets Suggested Add-ons