Customize to your team’s taste! Introduces JIRA project management service

This post is also available in: 日本語 目次 1 Introduction2 What is JIRA?3 JIRA operating company4 JIRA Pricing4.1 Use in the cloud4.2 On-Premise Usage5 How to Register JIRA6 JIRA Basics6.1 JIRA Main Project Templates6.2 Kanban Board6.3 Scrum Board7 Working with Applications8 Lastly Introduction This article introduces the basics of the JIRA project management tool.JIRA is a tool for teams to manage projects. For example, this tool is suitable for the case where each team collaborates to make things such as creating services or functions. It allows you to drive projects using different project workflow management formats, such as roadmaps, kanbans, and scrums. What is JIRA? JIRA is a common name and the official name is JIRA Software. JIRA makes it easy to manage various workflows such as Kanban Boards, Scrum Boards and Agile Reports. JIRA operating company JIRA is run by Atlassian, an Australia-based software company. In addition to JIRA, Atlassian also covers popular task and project management tools such as Trello and Confluence. Atlassian has a history of nearly 20 years. Also check out our Atlassian article. 注目のB2Bサービスを生み続ける最先端テック企業Atlassian(アトラシアン)を徹底研究! Here is the introduction of Trello Introducing Trello, a Useful Task Management Tool Confluence, another Atlassian wiki tool, is here. Introduction … Continue reading Customize to your team’s taste! Introduces JIRA project management service