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7 learning services to learn business and programming!

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This post focuses on learning services that help you improve your work skills. In recent years, thanks to the rapid development of online learning services, there are many environments where you can improve your skills without spending time and effort. Among them, we will introduce some utilities based on their popularity, versatility and usability.


Schoo is an online video learning service based on the concept of “continue to learn”. You can watch a wide variety of channels such as business, technology, marketing, English conversation, engineer, and money. The main feature of Schoo is that everything is “live broadcasting” (If you are a paid member, you can watch videos.), and it also has the aspect of a community service where the students can communicate freely.

Overview of Schoo

How to take the courseOnline video
ConceptLive broadcast community where adults continue to learn
FeaturesLive, Community
Free plans○ (Live viewing only)
Paid plansPremium(980 JPY/M)

Grow with Google

Grow with Google is a free skill training program that Google launched in April 2019. Using the know-how that Google has cultivated through its training, this project provides free digital skill training to people in a variety of fields.

Overview of Grow with Google

ServiceGrow with GoogleS
How to take the courseOnline Videos, real seminor
ConceptFree digital skill training from Google
GenreIndividuals, Business、Student、Developer etc.
FeaturesFree & know-how of Google
Free plans
Paid plans×


Udemy is an online marketplace for those who want to learn and teach. It is one of the largest online learning services in Japan with over 24 million students taking over 100,000 courses in programming, marketing and data science.

Overview of Udemy

How to take the courseOnline Videos
ConceptLearning Marketplace
GenreDevelopment, Design, IT Software, Marketing
FeaturesThe Spot plan of learning
Free plans△ depends on teacher
Paid plans


TECH::CAMP is a programming service for inexperienced engineers to improve their skills. In addition to the eight classrooms nationwide, you can also take classes online.

Overview of TECH::CAMP

How to take the courseReal (8 classrooms nationwide) and online
Conceptshort-term intensive programming learning program
FeaturesPractical, mentor, short-term focus
Free plansFree trial class
Paid plans14,800 JPY / M


TechAcademy is an online-only programming school where you can learn programming in as little as four weeks. We hold online boot camps where active professional personal mentors support learning.

Overview of TechAcademy

How to take the courseOnly Online
ConceptOnline learning for one-to-one mentoring
FeaturesPractical, mentor, on-lines
Free plansFree trial classes
Paid plansWorking adult 4weeks 139,000 JPY〜


Progate is a programming learning service for beginners. One of the characteristics of Progate is “slide learning”. It’s also a learning environment where you can actually write code and learn it in the browser, making it easier to stay engaged.

Overview of Progate

How to take the courseOnline learning(slide, input type)
ConceptProviding a practical lesson environment
Featuresslide, input type
Free plansonly free trial lessons
Paid plansonly free trial lessons

dot install

dot install is a 3 minute video mastering program for beginners. This is a type of learning service in which each theme of programming is separated by 3 minutes of video.

Overview of dot install

Servicedot install
How to take the courseOnline Videos
Concept3 Minute Video Programming
FeaturesThe good tempo of learning at a time interval of 3 minutes
Free plans○(Only free lesson videos are avalable)
Paid plans980 JPY monthly premium member with full functions

And finally

There are many unique services even though they are online learning services. I think you can improve your work skills further by adjusting to your lifestyle and purpose. This completes the seven learning services for learning business and programming.

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