What is a channel? What do you do with tool linkage? Meet the basics of Slack

This post is also available in: 日本語 目次 1 Introduction2 What is Slack?2.1 Slack Users3 Company that operates Slack3.1 Originally a game development company3.2 Current Slack4 Basic Structure Of Slack5 Slack Features5.1 Can be threaded5.2 Multiple voice calls are also possible.5.3 Work with a variety of tools5.4 Can be manipulated with the slash command5.5 Communicate with EMOJI5.6 Slack’s various tips6 And finally Introduction This post, titled “The Basics of Slack” introduces you to the business scene, especially Slack, a chat tool that is becoming mainstream on the Internet and startups.   What is Slack? Slack is primarily a chat tool for business engineers and other projects. In a similar category, there are “Work Chat” run by Facebook, “Chatwork” run by Chat work, and “LINE Works” run by LINE. Slack is particularly popular with startups, IT companies and engineers. Behind the scenes, Slack’s unique features include slash-command customization and active app integration with external services.   Slack Users Slack currently has more than 500,000 organizations in more than 150 countries and more than 10 million daily active users. In Japan, the number of active users has exceeded 500,000, making it the second largest in the world. That’s a lot of growth. … Continue reading What is a channel? What do you do with tool linkage? Meet the basics of Slack