AdBlock Plus Is A Chrome Extension To Block YouTube Video Ads

This post is also available in: 日本語 目次 1 Introduction1.1 What Is YouTube Ads?2 How to Block YouTube Ads2.1 YouTube Premium is ad-free.2.2 Google Chrome Extension “Adblock Plus”3 Lastly3.1 YouTube articles from the U-TILLY Introduction When you play a video on YouTube, you sometimes have to watch an ad before the video itself. If you’re looking for a quick video, this ad can be annoying. Here’s how to block them. What Is YouTube Ads? One of the ways YouTube monetizes is through advertising. There are a variety of formats for YouTube ads, the most common of which is TrueView (Trueview). It shows “You can skip this advertisement after 5 seconds.” before you watch a video recently, and after 5 seconds you can choose to skip the ad or watch the rest. How to Block YouTube Ads Here’s how to block YouTube ads. YouTube Premium is ad-free. Basically, if you subscribe to the monthly YouTube premium, the ads will be hidden. You are not a YouTube Premium subscriber. Google Chrome Extension “Adblock Plus” Install Google Chrome extension Adblock Plus. Add it from the following Chrome Web Store link. Adblock Plus is one of the most popular ad blocking tools with 500 … Continue reading AdBlock Plus Is A Chrome Extension To Block YouTube Video Ads