Backlog, a multifunctional project management tool

This post is also available in: 日本語 目次 1 Introduction2 What is Backlog?2.1 Backlogの事例3 Backlog Case Study4 Backlog Pricing5 How to register Backlog5.1 From completion of registration to start of use6 Using Backlog6.1 Add an issue6.2 Visualize project progress with a Gantt chart6.3 Backlog External Service Integration6.4 Using Backlog as a Wiki Service6.5 Versioning Source Code7 At The End Introduction There are only a limited number of one-stop services, including project management, bug management, and version management, both in Japan and overseas. In this article, we introduce Backlog, one of the few Japanese project management tools.   What is Backlog? Backlog is a project management tool developed by Nulab as a team collaboration tool. It is the largest project management tool in Japan and is used in a wide range of fields, from development to marketing to human resources and general affairs. It has the convenience of being able to use not only the browser but also applications such as iOS and Android in one stop.     Backlogの事例 Backlogは錚々たる国内の大企業でも利用実績があります。例えば、KDDI、ソフトバンク、日本経済新聞、docomoなどの大企業から、Adobeなどのテクノロジー企業まで多くの利用実績があります。     Backlog Case Study Backlog has been used by many Japanese companies. For example, it has been used by many companies such as KDDI, Softbank, Nikkei, docomo, and technology … Continue reading Backlog, a multifunctional project management tool